Displays key project activities and details the responsibilities for each individual or role
across every functional department. The matrix can optionally be created in a table or spreadsheet from within
the document.
Projects come in different sizes and there are different ways and requirements on how people are organized.
Multiple matrices are provided to help fill that need.
Small Projects: Minimal organizational structure is generally needed.
Large projects: Many people are involved. It is important that people understand what they are expected to do,
what role they are expected to fill, and the approval process.
Responsibility Matrix: This technique is used to define the general responsibilities for each project role
(i.e., who does what), communicates the roles to the team, and ensures people know what is expected
from them.
The Roles and Responsibilities Matrix contains the following topics:
Setting Up a Responsibility Matrix
Sample Matrix Roles and Responsibilities Description
Roles and Responsibility Matrix
Standard Roles and Responsibility Matrix
RACI Roles and Responsibility Matrix.
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