Provides detailed information to perform an analysis and design of a system,
including topics on current and future software architecture processes, interfaces, data flow,
infrastructure, components, integration, and security.
This template takes a systems approach to information system analysis and design.
It uses the sequential software development process where progress flows from the top to the bottom,
like a waterfall through the phases of Conception/Initiation, Analysis, Design, Development, Deployment,
and Testing.
The initial stages provide a validation to the project whereby costly errors and poor design are caught
early reducing rework and costs downstream.
The Following sections are provided in the document:
Overview of system, infrastructure, and software
Design assumptions and support considerations
Summary of changes from inception
Business and application impact
Current software architecture
Proposed software architecture
Security and audit considerations
Architecture design
Interface design
Design, development, and integration
Application layer information
Implementation and software execution
Infrastructure impact
Future improvements
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